Ytterbium tweezer array inside a cavity

In this project we are going to investigate the few-body (~10) and many-body (~100) physics of interacting Yb atoms. The ultra-cold Yb atoms will be placed in an optical cavity which mediates the interaction between the atoms. The use of optical tweezer arrays will give us more control over the atom positioning, in contrast to optical lattices. Nevertheless, we will also have the possibility to investigate the physics of Yb atoms interaction using optical lattices with a 532 nm laser. The idea to use tweezers has been motivated by the fact that Yb has a strong short-wavelength (399 nm) transition which makes it possible to bring the atoms closer than the atom-cavity resonance (556 nm) using optical tweezers, which then enables one to investigate sub-radiance and super-radiance phases of matter alongside other intriguing quantum matter phases.

The vacuum setup design is based on a compact permanent magnet Zeeman slower and 2D-MOT. Science chamber is where the cavity QED setup and 3D-MOT will be placed.

  • a) Optical tweezer array integrated with a cavity b) Correlated spontaneous emission of closely spaced atoms c) Spontaneous emission in a tweezer array

    a) Optical tweezer array integrated with a cavity b) Correlated spontaneous emission of closely spaced atoms c) Spontaneous emission in a tweezer array

  • Ytterbium level scheme

    Ytterbium level scheme

  • Vacuum setup design

    Vacuum setup design

The Team

PhD student

Reza Mosala Nejad

PhD student
Phone: +43 512 507 52941

Dizhou Xie

Phone: +43 512 507 52944
Master student[br]

Saloni Chourasiya

Master student[br]
Phone:  43 512 507 52919

Erik Richter-Alten

Master student
Phone: +43 512 507 52919

Manuele Landini

Senior Scientist
Phone: +43 512 507 52435

Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

Principal Investigator Phone: +43-512-507-52420
Former members: